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Geomagic FreeForm Modeling application and PHANTOM Omni haptic device
Geomagic FreeForm Modeling application and PHANTOM Omni haptic device(Educational)
Geomagic FreeForm Modeling application and PHANTOM Desktop haptic device
Geomagic FreeForm Modeling application and PHANTOM Desktop haptic device (Educational)
Geomagic FreeForm Modeling Plus
Geomagic FreeForm Modeling Plus (Educational)
Geomagic Claytools建模系统
Geomagic Design Direct正逆向混合设计软件
Geomagic Studio 逆向工程软件
Geomagic Control三维检测软件
3D Systems Geomagic Sculpt快速三维建模系统
Geomagic Capture三维扫描系统